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Benefits of High Employee Motivation

Undoubtedly, Motivation is one of the biggest concerns, and goals among any organization, no matter how big or small the organization is. An organization having defined, and shared core values is the key to building great teams, delivering excellent customer service, and fostering innovation, and be successful in ever evolving competitive marketplace (Pettigrew, 1979). Higher employee motivation can be linked to higher levels of engagement, and that can do miracles for the bottom line.


There are three levels of employee engagement:  engaged (these employees work with passion), not engaged (employee feels “checked out”), and disengaged (employee is unhappy and acting out). Organizations need to understand each employee’s level of engagement to identify their motivation and ultimately to improve both.


Apparently, a company’s values play a critical role in talent attraction. According to Jobvite, 2018, 46% of job seekers cite company culture as very important when choosing to apply to a company and 88% of job seekers mentioning company culture as at least or relative importance, and 32% of them even was willing to take a pay cut for the right place.

(Jobvite, 2018)

1. More Proactive, innovative, and creative

Employees who are motivated don’t wait for feedback, they often evaluate their own work and proactively look for new solutions to eradicate challenges and achieve goals. They are more actively participate in workplace offer help to team members. Proactive employees tend to think through a situation and make informed decisions, and rather than letting things happen to them, they make things happen.


When employees are motivated, they become more innovative (Fernandez, Sergio & Pitts, David, 2011). They can postpone fixation on an idea and stay open to exploring several different possible options before closing in on a single option. This could help the organization to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors, as it allows to create better products and services. A competitive advantage may lead customers to choose your company over your competitors.



2. Understand the company’s goals better and more productive

Motivated employees want to understand how they can contribute to the overall organizations’ success. Productive employees surround themselves with the right resources and tools; and they mostly tend you have a to-do list, create small goals, identify patterns, delegate when possible, keep their focus, group their tasks. Therefore, they always want to understand what the organization’s mission, vision, and objectives are. More motivation and engagement often lead to more productivity. Therefore, companies with motivated employees are often more productive than others (Sriekaningsih & Setyadi, 2015). In fact, Hay Group’s 2001 research on employee motivation proved that offices with engaged employees are 43% more productive.


3. Are better problem-solvers and handle uncertainty better

Problem-solving skills are something most employers look for in their employees. If you have employees who are motivated, they will also work harder to solve problems and challenges. Providing employees with meaningful and challenging problem-solving opportunities along with the right authority to solve them can be a key driver for fostering intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction. Since motivated employees are much more engaged, they are also more self-confident in what they do. Consequently, they know how to react in difficult situations.



4. Are more adaptable, open to changes and stay with the company longer

We all know that modern day global business environment is ever evolving and is becoming more challenging day by day. Every organization need to be equally prepared to accept and to adopt to these rapid changes. Organizations will have to restructure, change the way go about things, bring in new technologies, use of advanced techniques to be competitive, be productive, be profitable and to survive in the current global economic challenges. Adaptable employees are people who like to get out of their comfort zone, are better listeners, always ask question, are willing to make mistakes, look for positive, learn from their coworkers, mostly find work life balance, and are more emotionally intelligence. Agility is something every employer looks to achieve. Organizations having highly motivated workforce are more open to face rapid business changes and are swifter to an agile way of working.

Employee turnover is one of the biggest workforce problems these days. An organization with highly engaged, and motivated employees have higher employee retention rate. Drucker (2017), states that employees work longer for a company and help in performing important tasks for the proper functioning of the company and they are also accountable for the growth and required profit of the company.



Drucker, P. (2017). Concept of the Corporation: Routledge

Fernandez, Sergio & Pitts, David. (2011). Understanding Employee Motivation to Innovate: Australian Journal of Public Administration

Hay Group Inc 2021, Engage Employees and Boost Performance

Jobvite (2018), Job Seeker Nation Study, Researching the Candidate-Recruiter Relationship, P.13

Pettigrew, A. M. (1979). On studying organizational cultures. Administrative Science

Quarterly, 24: 570–581

Sriekaningsih, A., & Setyadi, D. (2015). The Effect of Competence and Motivation and Cultural Organization towards Organizational Commitment and Performance on State University Lecturers in East Kalimantan Indonesia. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(17), 208-220.


  1. Yes, Indrajith. Also, Anka (1988), emphasizes motivation increases employee satisfaction. Organizations can provide incentives, promotions, and opportunities for employees. This will create a good relationship between employees and the organization as a result, an organization can increase profit through increased productivity further, and employee motivation leads to the achievement of the organization's goals.

    1. Hi Isuri, Yes, Agree with you. Aworemi et. al., (2011) mentioned that the working condition, interesting work and good pay is the key factor that motivates employees to work. But according to Reib (2008), motivation could also impact on the high turnover of employees of the companies (Vnouckova & Klupakova, 2013)

  2. Keeping the employees motivated and retaining them is one of the key challenge for an organization, The term motivation derived from the Latin word movere, meaning to move (Kretiner, 1998). Motivation
    represents “those psychological process that cause the arousal, direction, and persistence of voluntary actions that
    are goal oriented (Mitchell, 1982)


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